Solar System from Home
Daily Science Challenge: Rocks Extension Comment
Daily Math Challenge: Area from Perimeter??
A Great Day for a New Beginning. 3/18/2020
Good Morning Students,
As I was planning the daily activities for math and science, it came to me that maybe some encouragement was in order. I know it would help me right now. So much information is coming at us during this time. Please stay focused on keeping yourself well. I know it seems like a great idea, not having to go to school. It is very important that we continue to teach and learn. No matter the outcome of this year, if you discount a successful slide into home this year, you increase the challenges you will incur next year. I will continue to be available to assist you, hope you will stay available to learn during this time. Have a beautiful day, Mrs. M.!!!
It can be a successful slide………. Or not so much………….
Math and Science Unit Test Success!!
Good Afternoon Students!
I am monitoring progress on the unit tests for math and science. You are all doing a wonderful job and making a great effort. Thank you so much for taking your time and being awesome! Once all students test, I will review results and come up with an appropriate grade redemption strategy that works for everyone. This strategy will include an extra credit opportunity for those who scored 100% on the test.
Congratulations to Kakie McKenna, Sommer Cowan, Lilly Stancil, Presley Williams, and Ayden Martin for high score so far on the math test and Tanner Post for high score so far on the science test.
A/C Science 6 – Rock Extension Step 5
Please click on the “LEAVE A COMMENT” prompt at the lower right of this post. When you get to the area for comment, please post your name, first name and last initial. Skip a line and then post your response to the question in STEP #5 of the Rock Extension Activity! All comments will need to be approved before they become public. This will be a part of your grade for this assignment.